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FAQs: Benefits Of Apple For Skin

FAQs: Benefits Of Apple For Skin

How to select apples when buying them?

The main focus should be on the colour. Choose the fruit which has a vibrancy to it, without browning at the core. Larger size apples are considered to be ripe, sweeter and more mature, so go for them. Also, check for soft spots on the fruit, and avoid if there are any. Avoid fruits with bruises on the skin. The fruits should be firm, and feel fresh in the fragrance.

What is the best way to consume apples?

Like with every fruit, the best way if to eat the fruit raw. This is because the juice will lose all the dietary fibre and reduce the level of natural nutrients. Try not to peel the fruit, since the main nutrients lie just under the skin. So, what are you waiting for? Go for it, bite into that juicy apple! But before you do so, ensure that you have washed it thoroughly to get rid of any powders on the skin.

Can apples be used to treat a medical condition like eczema?

When you understand your skin, you will figure that eczema is also a dry skin condition, and the degree to which it affects the skin differs from person to person. You can use apple in the form of apple cider vinegar to get some relief from this condition since it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties with the content of acetic acid and malic acid present in it. You can mix two spoons each of apple cider vinegar and water, and apply it on the affected area. It will provide great relief from the itchiness and also reduce the dryness due to the condition.

Can we use the apple peel for beauty purposes?

Yes you can! The peel of an apple is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps protects against ultraviolet radiation and leads to younger looking skin. Apple peels are also rich in vitamin C, which prevents premature aging, and enhances skin glow.

DIY apple peel face pack: Dry out apple peels, and then grind them into a powder. Mix two spoons of the powder with three spoons of butter milk into a smooth paste. Apply it on the face and neck and leave it for 25 minutes. Wash your face with cold water.